Thursday, June 20, 2024

Glen Falls in Williamsville


Another 'crowd' of artists came to Glen Park in Williamsville and nearly all chose the drama of the falls. Different interpretations and media made each painting unique.



Everyone's Favorite Drawing

Laurene Buckley

While we painted, Laurene Buckley captured four of us in her signature style, slightly caricature but definitely identified models. Everyone was amazed, this pen and pencil picture is a pout 11by 14.

Beaver Island on a misty day

Diane Groupil

Joan Shaw

Jean Macdonald 

The Lagoon at Beaver Island 

Afternoon at Lytle Park, Lockport

Jeannette Pikturna invited us to a Lockport event in Lyle Park which featured family events and tables of healthy information. The painters were provided with signs which we hope to see at future paintouts. 

Ruth Benton-

Jeff Watkins

Main St Youngstown

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Peace at Forest Lawn

 Forest Lawn is full of birdsong and peace. About 10 artists showed up despite the early morning June rain. The day turned brilliant and sunny, and about a zillion geese, ducks, and birds kept us company.

Martha Rogala

We  have  two new artists, Mary Margaret and Pat Arnold  in NFPAP. Another new artist, Bridget also came today.

Joan Shaw made a tree portrait study, beautiful!

Liz Spector, Anne and Julie DenBeste tackled a statue of a child, in the middle of the pond. They also carried on with their conversations!