Saturday's Music is Art and Artpark's Rock Camp music followed by Sunday's historic Lewiston Jazz festival provided non stop entertainment for the painters and wine festival attendees. Restaurants and winery representatives filled the large treed lot on Artpark's lower level, while NFPAP painters scattered along the gorge ridge to paint views of Canada, Niagara River, and the festivities. A superb view of the River, Lewiston Queenston Bridge and the two countries' power projects attracted many painters to a small overlook at the edge of the park property.
Painting among wine tasters and gourmet food eaters was a new experience for most of us. Everyone was in a good mood and the lovely location, light and shade trees made the day perfect.
Some of the painters are shown here, Sherrill Primo, Sharon Fundalinski, Kath Schifano, Linda Ludwig, Dorothy Rosche, Donna Hale, Beverly McIntyre. Many more members were painting during this special weekend event.