Friday, February 27, 2009

Expanding horizons

Welcome to our new blog! We all use email already, so it is simple to use this new service.

Perfect painting weather is coming. The photo shows Kath Schifano, Sharon Fundalinski & Peggy Walker at the East Aurora Art show, June 2008. 

It is very easy to post images and text in a  blog, quite similar to writing email. However, for now, I will post onto the blog for all of us. Send your comment to me at [] sign your name so we know who wrote it, and I will cut & paste your text as soon as I open my email. Write a title for your post. Please try to include a picture-we love jpegs! Use 'blog' as your subject. After we get started, it may change so anyone can post messages without emailing it to me. You can also post your own comments on someone else's post without going through me. You just click the 'comment' button at the bottom of a message. Just try it----anything can be changed at any time---nothing is permanent---as it is easy to edit. 

There is no specific subject, we can write about directions to a site, paint, media, locations, new materials or make comments & ask questions of each other. If you have a website, you can link to the blog. Send me your website & it can be listed on the main page as this develops. I've been journal blogging about my own art for a while now, you can access it at for an idea of what my concept looks like. Click at the top of any page & see various blogs from all over the world---everyone is doing this! Lots of grandkids and puppies, religious groups, schools, different languages. My favorite is the RV retired couple that blogs to let the kids know where they are. Feel free to email me or just click on comments below.


  1. I'm so impressed! Great job, Kath.
    Shall I send and announcement about our new baby?

  2. I'm waiting for feedback, so send it out to all our painters.
