Sunflowers of Sanborn is a local farm attraction that brings many people each day to enjoy all the attractions here. With special permission to enter early, our painters simply backed their cars up to the fence and pulled out pochades and tripods. Acres of sunflowers faced us, raising their heads to the East and the brilliant summer sun. Artists often talk about convenient travel studios in their cars and a high lift back is important for access to supplies as well as offering shade and a handy umbrella. Here's Roy working with watercolor in his car's shade.
Rachelle was looking for joy on this day, and she found it here with us and the fields of smiling flowers, too. Soon she was comfortably tucked against the rear seats, inside, carefully noting composition values in her sketchbook.
Diane puts a new spin on the term 'car seat' as she paints with watercolor. Her hybrid has a nice flat shelf in the back.
Paint what you see!
Martha was wheeling her gear further into the field. Masked, of course.
The fields have a variety of attractions and Jeannette liked the carousel horse surrounded by blooms and used her big box of luscious pastels.

Donna crossed the fence to get close to her subjects. Sunflowers are perfect in pastel.
Ylli captured the whole field in an oil painting.